Latest Safety News


Florida's Shift: Transitioning from Federal to State OSHA Plan

Florida’s Shift: Transitioning from Federal to State OSHA Plan

By Safety Management Partners LLC | March 20, 2024

In a significant move, Florida has embarked on a transition from a federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) plan to a state-run OSHA plan. This shift marks a notable development in workplace safety regulation within the state and has sparked discussions and debates among various stakeholders. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this transition…

A man standing with his yellow construction helmet

Building Success: How Hiring a Safety Consultant Saves Money

By Safety Management Partners LLC | September 20, 2023

Welcome, construction aficionados, to a blog post that uncovers the hidden gem in the construction industry: safety consultants. While it might seem counterintuitive at first, hiring a safety consultant can be a cost-saving masterstroke for your construction projects. In this post, we’ll explore the various ways safety consultants contribute to your bottom line, ensuring that…

A poster of safety first this department has worked

Effective KPIs in Safety

By Safety Management Partners LLC | September 20, 2023

We are all looking forward to that special day known properly as the “pizza party” when we reach a target goal of days since last accident. The only problem is this goal of zero incidents is a recipe for covering reporting from real time incidents. Counting the days will never be as effective as making…